Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Have Big Clear Dreams

Goddess of the Sea by Pat House
       For me dreaming has always been easy. My art is created many times through dreams. I meet with a customer to talk about a special piece to be created and then I sleep on it. I usually wake up with a clear picture of the finished piece. I think my guardian angel works with me at night. To me this is the most magical part of my artistic life. I love the connection to something larger than myself and then watching it come to life.

       My son Austin just graduated from high school in June. He is trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. Many people of all ages are trying to figure that out. I am still working on my vision for my future. I have a few tips to help. Of course this is a process and may change over time.
  1. Make a list of all the things you do not want.
         examples-”I do not want to work in a box.” 
                         “I do not want to work for an oppressive boss.”
                         " I do not want to get paid less than I deserve."
         Take each of those statements and turn them into an I do statement.
          examples- “I want the freedom to work in an open space with lots of light and plants.”   
          “ I want to either work for myself or have a supportive boss who mentors me in positive ways.”
          "I want to be able to grow my worth!"
          (Those of you who know me probably can figure out these statements are centered around my
          old job as a public school teacher.)               
 2. Think of activities you love and that bring you joy. Do more of them and watch for signs. 
         You will start to see signals that lead you towards your direction. I love creating art and working
       with people. I love nature in all of its forms. I built my business around those things.

  3. Look ahead to 3 monthes, 1 year, 10 years. 
    Journal about what you would love to see happen. Try to include feelings, sights, sounds,
    smells, etc. Get as much detail as you can. 
    What does your ideal day look like? Who is there? What are you doing?

         These exercises helped me a lot when I first started to create my business as the Joyful Mermaid. I started to see owning/ co-owning a teaching Gallery and Healing Center. I saw a turquoise house with white trim on a nice size lot, huge live oak trees, patio in back for outside classes, garage/ studio in back as well. Artists come in from all over the world and teach classes/workshops. I travel a lot and teach too. Small coffee shop inside along with a nice gallery.

 4. Start taking babysteps towards your dream.
      I have just opened a Society6 online store so that my art can be seen and purchased easier. I am researching new places to show and sell my work. I do not feel ready for the turquoise gallery just yet but I am babystepping my way in that direction because it brings me joy and my energy builds when I move that way.

5. Be open to the idea that there may be an even bigger future out there for you! 
       Watch for signs that you are being led and keep your heart open to the possibilities!

What are your dreams today? Can you share any of them? 
I'd love to hear about your dreams and then we can support each other!

Artwork can be purchased at http:/society6.com/pathouse

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