Thursday, October 1, 2015

Awakening Your Authentic Spirit

     When you set your intention to awaken your authentic self and remember who you really are, YOU are on an amazing path!I realized one day that I was tired of being a people pleaser and that I had no idea of who the real me was anymore. I decided it was time to remember who I was before I became Austin’s mom and Hugh’s wife. I really needed some time to listen to what my heart had to say.

       I knew that I saw the real me when I journaled or created art. I also saw it when I was in nature or spent time with animals. I began slowing down in order to feel my energy lead me towards my spirit. I learned to unplug from “doing” and started practicing “being”. ( I am not an expert at this. I am still practicing.)

       Dreams started coming through me of a new future and a new connection with my authentic self. I began trusting that I was being guided and supported in ways that were perfect for me. I started cutting away at all the ties that felt like they were holding me back. There are many layers to this process and I expect to be clearing away for years to come. You have to trim a bush sometimes in order to help it grow.

      As my dreams are becoming reality and my trust has grown, I have become more and more grateful for the life that I have been given. Not all of my life has been perfect but I have been led by an amazing spirit that is much larger than me. I feel very blessed and connected.

What are you dreams telling you? What are your intentions?

Artwork can be purchased at 


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