Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Valuing Yourself

"Connected to Spirit" Art by Pat House

“I feel at peace at the thought of allowing myself to have fun, being intentional, and following my bliss.”
“I respect myself. I appreciate myself. I ask for what I want and for what I need.”

       These are affirmations that I was working with several years ago in my journal. I would carry them with me and say them out loud but they weren’t my truth yet. They were just statements that I hoped to be true one day. I was living reactively and giving all of my energy to whoever showed up and needed it. I wanted to be a good wife, mother, sister, daughter, teacher, and friend. I was burning my candle at both ends. Soon there would be nothing left of me!

       One day while walking on the beach, my inner voice said “what if you treated yourself as you would a friend or family member? How can you give to others without receiving? No wonder I was exhausted. I wasn’t filling my well and it had run dry. I had to learn to value and like myself enough to treat myself as I would someone that I cared about. It felt very selfish at first. I thought I’d never master it. When I am tired I will fall off the wagon and have to get back on. This self care thing is a process.

      I am now practicing turning off the voice inside my head that says I should do and be everything to everyone. I work very hard to stay tuned into what I need and want. I am learning to appreciate the value that I bring into this world. I’m not here to say I have all the answers. I don’t. My friends call me on my bad habits quite a lot! I think our world could be a much better place if everyone became their own best friend and took better care to love, honor, and respect from within. We have so much more to give others when our own needs are met.

      Take some time this week and make a list of ways that you could you treat yourself better. Please share in the comments below.  
Let's remind each other of ways to improve our own self care!

 Artwork can be purchased at https://society6.com/pathouse

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