Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring is Coming!

         I know the weather has not been very agreeable this winter and it feels like spring is never going to get here. I am happy to report that we are going to make it!!!! Spring is coming next Friday!!!!!

Are you seeing signs of it? Share them!!!! I can't wait!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Choosing to Radiate!

          I am claiming my space here and now to fully claim my choice to RADIATE this year! I chose this feeling word in January along with the infusion words-easy, flowy, and fun. My work during this first quarter has been to look at my life and see what it takes for me to feel radiant. I have been redefining my systems for doing things in order to make my life much more flexible and simplified. My goal is to take better care of myself and get out of my own way! Changes are centered around treating myself as I would my very best friend. I am now listening to my inner guidance system and taking action. I even drop everything to take a walk in nature middle of the day or when ever my partner sends me a text to go! I am averaging 27 miles a week and have made a new friend! 
        Here is The Joyful Mermaid blog. The web site is It's my invitation to you to come on a journey together and baby step our way into a truly RADIANT life. I do not have all the answers. It would be awesome if I did. Right now, intention and commitment are what I have to offer. Hopefully, we can build a community that shares ideas and helps hold each other accountable.

 Let's see where this journey will take us!!!